Saturday, September 13, 2008

Jonesing for Produce

For the past sevenish years I have been a frequenter of The Milkpail market in Mountain View. The Milkpail is a haven of all things produce as well as the home of the world's largest variety of imported cheese (no kidding). It is an open air market resplendent in all of the freshest things that I love to cook with. It comes pretty close to being my Mecca!
Since moving to San Jose my life has been desperately short on produce. I have been forced into buying Safeway lettuce and trying to imagine that it is actually tasty. It was at the point where I didn't even want to go to the store because I knew I would be sad because the vegetables were so disappointing. Today I mustered the strength to drive myself over to Trader Joe's in the hopes of securing at least a few edible vegetables. As I drove up I saw the most beautiful thing! Next door to my neighborhood TJ's is a new store called "Real Produce" and it is lovely! It is a nod in the direction of the Milkpail, including a small cheese refrigerator and it brought hope and produce back into my life!
My refrigerator is now bursting with crisp broccoli rabe and juicy deep red tomatoes. I also secured a butternut squash for soup making purposes and dream of the delicious sauce I am going to make with the shallots I bought. more night sweats and shakes from lack of produce! YEAH!

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