Lately I have been spending a great deal of quality time with my television. I suddenly have access to hundreds of cable stations and can readily use the excuse "I need to knit..." in order to watch all of the rather fabulous reality shows available! Today I was the victim of ... What Not To Wear!
There I sat, innocently knitting a darling light green fuzzy wool beanie as Clinton and Stacy attacked another unsuspecting woman (however...I must add that it boggles my mind when these people are actually surprised that someone has discovered their special dressing skills!) I watched and knitted and was suddenly transfixed by this fabulously cute shirt dress with a dreamy necklace. I knew that I must have such a thing in my wardrobe! But first it was off to acupuncture!
The entire acupuncture session, as I lay on a table with needles sticking out of every limb and surface, listening to relaxing music and attempting to nap, I thought "Which store is my best bet? Where should I go first? Target? Hmm...or maybe a smaller, no I have to go to Target first..." Needless to say I was not very relaxed during my session! The session behind me and all of the needles retrieved, I raced to my nearest Avenue store (a store that carries a random array of clothes for pleasantly plump women), scored a FANTASTIC new denim jacket but was thwarted as to my quest for cute jewelry and a new fab shirt. The answer had to be Target.
Target...the Mecca of today's suburban shopper...the location of all household cleaning and back to school needs...the hub of affordable yet trendy clothes...AHHHH Target! Yes, Target was the answer! My loot consisted of a light weight gauzy black top with silver threads running through it and and a multi-strand necklace chalk full of pearls, silver loops and black beads. Now...I ask you...could either Clinton or Stacy complain? I think not! Not only am I completely trendy, but now I have another outfit to wear my silver faux snake skin ballet flats with. How many of you can say that?
The lesson of the day...beware of evil reality shows...especially if they come in the marathon variety. They can really mess up a perfectly relaxing acupuncture session!